Scuba Squad
Alternate Ending Beer Co. Saison 6.1% Scuba Squad
Alternate Ending Beer Co. Saison 6.1% Scuba Squad
Scuba Squad
Scuba Squad
Scuba Squad
Alternate Ending Beer Co. Saison 6.1% Scuba Squad

Scuba Squad

Saison 6.1%

House saison that is super clean, crisp and refreshing.
Regular price$16.00
Alternate Ending Beer Co. does not sell or serve alcohol to persons under the age of 21. By purchasing this beer, you swear and affirm that you are over the age of 21. Upon picking up your beer purchase at Alternate Ending, you will be required to show proof of age with a valid ID.

4-pack of 16oz cans


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Alternate Ending Beer Co. Saison 6.1% Scuba SquadAlternate Ending Beer Co. Saison 6.1% Scuba Squad
Saison 6.1%

Scuba Squad

Want some food with your beer?
Alternate Ending Beer Co. Saison 6.1% Scuba SquadAlternate Ending Beer Co. Saison 6.1% Scuba Squad
Saison 6.1%

Scuba Squad

Want some food with your beer?
Alternate Ending Beer Co. Saison 6.1% Scuba SquadAlternate Ending Beer Co. Saison 6.1% Scuba Squad
Saison 6.1%

Scuba Squad

Want some food with your beer?






Styrian Golding






White Pepper

Grape Must


Alternate Ending Beer Co. Saison 6.1% Scuba Squad

Scuba Squad


This house saison is for our taproom homies who absolutely destroy any saison we put on draft.  While this may not have the depth of our barrel and fruited saisons that we bottle, it is super clean, crisp and refreshing!

The can label

It took long enough to use a Wes Anderson reference in a beer label, right? And maybe better yet, Mr. Sandler.

Alternate Ending Beer Co. Scuba Squad Saison Can Label
Fisherman’s Beanie
Fisherman’s Beanie

Fisherman’s Beanie

Regular price$25.00

We want you to be on Team Alt End and help on our quest against the jaguar shark. And yet, it’s more…it’s the person, the adventurer and the pioneer lifestyle within you. Do you have what it takes? If you do, and are one of the first 30 people to order, you are on Team Alt End.

Limited Qty!



Very, very good saison! Nicely done!

Maureen L

Grape, peppery, delicious saison. Crushable.

Joe T

Super bright, lemon, lime, heavy yeast.  Quite good.
